Why - Did I develop O Boy? Because I was sick and tired of using script editor to query objects. and also ... Because when I thought about developing a Hack for MacHack nothing 'cool' was coming to mind - so I decided to do something I needed instead. Boring - I know, but hopefully fellow MacHackers will take it back to work with them after the contest and really really really use it. - Did I use the Game Boy human interface? Because it had the simple interface elements I needed to navigate the AEOM hierarchy. It also has the feel of a Star Trek tri-corder. Did you ever see how they just whip out that little thing and in a nanosecond they know everything - that is the spirit of O Boy. - Does the 'B' key get you to about O Boy dialog? Because I couldn't think of any function for that key. If you have any ideas ...let me know.